So, again I say, I'm without. Without any little person screaming at 2 am for no apparent reason. Without any little people getting into bed with me before daylight. Without anyone to fix breakfast for in the morning. Without any reason to negotiate clothing choices for the day. Without any dirty clothes to toss down the clothes chute. Without any refereeing of tv time. Without any juice spills to clean up or toothpaste remains to wipe down. Without the noise of stomping feet, or arguing, or clapping, or giggling, or whistling, or belly laughing, or singing. Without any faces grinning at me or hands reaching for mine. Without the sounds of lullabies drifting down the stairs. Without anyone saying, "Hey Mom, you've gotta see this!" Without any bedtime prayers to listen to. Without any sports updates before I even get out of bed. Without a coffee partner. Without soft cheeks to kiss good night, or rumpled heads to kiss good morning.
OK. . . . I realize I can't exist without them for very long so I'd better enjoy this time while it lasts. This wonderful, special, restorative time where I can enter the bathroom, draw a bubble bath, get into that bath, and linger --enjoying the peace and tranquility within and the peace and quiet without!
Your without - my with. . . happy days! little hands reached for me about 5:30 this morn. thanks for the opportunity to kiss and hold nd listen to and smile with and OH YES have popcorn & movie time at 11PM!! Love MOM
My "without" will begin Sunday afternoon and last for 24 hours. Enjoy Beth Moore and your couple of days "without". It makes the "with" all the more enjoyable.
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