As our time to travel together crept up on us, I began ordering books from the library and picking up a book or two here and there so that I would be ready to nestle down under the covers of a quiet hotel bed full of fluffy hotel pillows and READ!
Our hotel room was perfect, bright and inviting. Here's a tour...
I had plenty of reading material to keep me entertained while my Man was at the conference...
Looks like a huge selection for just a few days away, however, one never knows in what kind of reading "mood" she will find herself!
Our hotel was a few short miles from a large bookstore, so after dropping my Man at his conference the first day, I followed the GPS to Borders Books. I bought a book that was recently recommended to me and read little else. Pictures at an Exhibition
I also added many new titles to my stack while traveling. I found these at a used bookstore:
I found more than a few treasures at the bookstore in the church where the Basics Conference took place:
Family Worship (Family Guidance series)
God's Alphabet for Life: Devotions for Young Children
Good Manners for Today's Kids
by Emilie Barnes
and two from my favorite "series"...the Journibles. Journibles are much like the blank journals you find all over the place, blank inside with lined pages. These journals however, have a different purpose. The series is called The 17:18 Series, named for Deuteronomy 17:18 in which Moses gives instructions to the future kings of Israel.
"The king is commanded to not simply acquire a copy of the law from the 'scroll publishing house,' but to hand-write his own copy of the law....Thirty-four hundred years later, educators are 'discovering' that students that physically write out their notes by hand have a much greater retention rate than simply hearing or visually reading the information. Apparently, God knew this to be true of the kings of Israel also. From such understanding came the conception of this series of books."~Rob Wynalda, Journible Designer
My Man gave me my first Journible for Christmas, the book of John, and I've been enjoying a much richer time with the Word ever since. It was with great delight that I rounded the corner at Books on the Park to find an entire shelf-full of these wonderful study tools. I can now claim three. John, Romans, and Galatians~2 Thessalonians. After a few weeks of copying Romans, I have gained, among other things, a new appreciation for the beauty of the language used in that ancient book. To find out more about Journibles, click on the word Journible or on the link: to view everything that this excellent publisher has to offer.
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