Wednesday, August 3, 2011

You Say Tomato...

{We've been the happy recipients of a basket of tomatoes from a friend and are enjoying them to the fullest! Our favorite thing to do with tomatoes hasn't changed much over the years. Below is a repost from a few summers ago about one of the most sacred experiences of summertime...}

Ahhhhh, is there anything more pleasing to the palate than the summertime tomato sandwich? Only if it is a summertime tomato sandwich on my Grandma's homemade white bread with gobs of mayo. Add to that masterpiece a healthy dash of salt, a bit of pepper and a generous smidgen of sugar and you've got yourself the tastiest sandwich known to mankind.

Friends from NC delivered two beautiful, fat, shiny, green tomatoes a few weeks ago when they visited. What promise these tomatoes held as I sat them on the counter waiting, just waiting for them to turn from their bright firm green, to a less firm pink, and finally yesterday to bright red sandwich ready spheres.

After each child was tucked safely into bed, I made my move. I tiptoed to the kitchen, grabbed a serrated knife, and began cutting fat slices of tomato as juice and seeds streamed down my forearms. Surveying my bread selection, I decided with a sigh that store bought bread would be better than none at all, and slid two slices from the bag. 

Making a quick decision, I plucked the "full-tilt" mayonnaise from the fridge--no low fat stuff tonight, I reasoned, this sandwich deserves the best. Assembled and seasoned, my creation was complete and I, with gusto, partook. I was thrilled to discover that this summer's tomato sandwich was every bit as satisfying as last summer's. Giving the remaining tomato a parting gaze that held plans for morning, I set off to bed.

As I attempted to repeat the whole sneaky sandwich assembly and consumption drill this morning, however, I was busted! Just as I was polishing off the first half of my pre-lunchtime creation, in walked Kate.

"Mom! What is that?"

"A tomato sandwich." I answered, pulling it closer to me.

"It must be very good. Is it?" she queried, eyebrows raised.

Sighing, I offered her a bite.

Taking the proffered bite, "Oh...mmmmm...can I have one just like yours?"

Today I learned that a yummy summer tomato sandwich, much like a good cup of coffee, is even better when shared with someone special.

1 comment:

G'ma suz said...

tomato sandwich waiting!!! We can snack all day on them. Hurry home, Mom

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