Wednesday, April 22, 2015

On Kitchens and Routines...

Kitchen, kitchen, kitchen. It seems to have taken over my existence and my mental space and my conversations. Kitchen is my theme lately for better or worse and my attention has been drawn to some fun and helpful articles and posts about life in our kitchens be they new or old, large or small, cozy or modern.

I thought I'd share what I've been reading with you in hopes that you might also benefit as I plan to.

  • Mark Bittman, one of my favorite food writers and cookbook authors, shares a cooking strategy that makes complete sense in the New York Times article "When Cooking, Invest Time. Or Work. Not Both." Read about his theory of the everyday cooking work-time continuum.

  • Sam Sifton, writing in the New York Times encourages us in a very relaxed Home Cooking Manifesto to "Just cook." He warns, as do others, that "cooking can be stressful" but that it pays large dividends. After coaching us on making the most lovely sounding chicken dinner he writes, "Cooking is patience. Cooking is trust." It's a medium length article that is worth your time.

  • I want to add this to our family's dinner rotation just because it's fun to say...  Chicken Waterzooi

  • THESE look wonderful! Three ingredients of loveliness I think.

  • A food memoir that is on my To Be Read List because of its super reviews but more so because of it's super title and cover, A Boat, A Whale, and A Walrus by Renee Erickson.

"I walked around my house, looking at all the things that I should fix someday, and I imagined God noticing all the things about me that should get fixed up one day, and loving me anyway and being ok with the mess for the time being."
~Shauna Niequist

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