Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Thirty Minutes

Thirty minutes before the children and I were to arrive at church this evening I...

...served pizza for dinner

...changed a dirty diaper

...fed the baby

...combed out and pig-tailed daughter #1's hair hair because of uneven tails

...searched for a pacifier, unsuccessfully

...changed another dirty diaper

...watched daughter #2 pack her lunch box for the day after tomorrow

...changed my clothes

...changed the baby's clothes

...loaded the dishwasher

...removed baby from dishwasher door

...remembered to start the dishwasher

...partially filled out a form for church

...answered phone

...grounded daughter #2 from a pair of her flip-flops (the latest in creative punishment)

...rescued baby from her climb half-way up the stairs

...remembered to turn off the oven

...didn't remember to comb daughter #2's hair

...supervised teeth brushing for 3 children

...rescued baby from her climb three quarters of the way up the stairs

...remembered to shut baby in the bathroom with me while pig-tailing...again

...removed toilet paper from baby's mouth

...threw on some lipstick

...refused to negotiate with daughter #2 over the flip-flop flap

...turned off 13 lights

...looked for my own flip-flops


...pulled a tooth.

1 comment:

Sudeana said...

Dad would be so glad (and shocked) that you turned the lights off :)

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